
  • August 27, 2024:
    • Finalized foundational styles for headers, marking the completion of the baseline effort for objectFoundations.css.
    • Updated sun and moon icons to reflect the latest visual guidelines.
    • The Resource Number Lookup scripts have been revised and are now fully operational. Hint use resource number "2456001".
  • August 28, 2024:
    • Introduced a conditional page element deployment system, enhancing the consistency and performance across devices. Specifically, header and footer components are now dynamically assigned to webpages in our domain based on a specified tag in the HTML file, streamlining content injection based on page type. This change ensures a more targeted loading of critical page elements, reducing unnecessary overhead on non-standard pages. This enhancement reduces each HTML file size by approximately ~2KB, consolidating redundant elements into a single efficient script execution. In the future, we will remove dynamic CSS loading based on device resolution through adaptive media queries to their respective global css file. Zoom level adjustments are tailored for larger screen resolutions, providing a legible visual experience on high-resolution displays.
    • Initiated transition of objectFoundations.css static styling to responsive media-based styling, starting with mediaDesktop.css and mediaMobile.css. More work and documentation is still required. mediaTablet.css has not yet been started.
    • A site update introduces functionality for playing navigation sounds and ensures that changes to the navigationSoundEnabled setting are applied immediately without a page refresh. The script now dynamically handles sound playback based on user settings and updates link behavior in real time. Event listeners are re-applied to reflect changes, and a storage event listener updates the link behavior when the setting is modified in localStorage.
  • September 2, 2024:
    • Modified header in attempt for better cross-browser compatibiliity. This new header is still a WIP.
  • September 4, 2024:
    • Upgraded mediaQueryStylesheet.js to the newer and more advanced scriptExperienceEngine.js for better modularity. This also enforces the site-wide requirement for JavaScript, with HTML capability to redirect to our prerequisites page using a noscript element.
  • September 5, 2024:
    • Began transitioning away from objectFoundations.css to moduleX.css for superior responsive media-based styling, and better modularizing our styles. This will also enable us to better support different browser engines in the future. For now, we build and test using Chromium-based browsers such as Microsoft Edge and Supermium.
  • September 6, 2024:
    • Our experience script engine can now accurately assess location data, inject the data to OpenMeteo, and provide localized weather data to the upcoming Header. This has a limit of 10,000 API calls per day.
    • OpenMeteo is located in Europe and returns temperature data in Celsius, we've added a new flag in our settings menu to change this to Fahrenheit for users of the Imperial system.
  • September 7, 2024:
    • Updated the Navigation module, which goes beneath the header.
    • Initial script preparation for new Header.
  • September 8, 2024:
    • Touched up the navbar.
    • Phase I header redesign implemented.
    • New iconography by Bas Milius
    • Multiple script updates, including new options for weather retrieval refreshing, defaults to 1 hour.
  • Known Quirks / To-Do:
    • Finish header redesign.
    • Start work on the Sidebar.
    • Firefox cannot display hover text color effects on the Navbar except for the final option.
    • The weather data should be cached and fetched from cache, furthermore, the timer should be consistent between navigation and reload, not resetting, to prevent API spam.